Monday, February 16, 2015

Tyranid Zone Mortalis, pt 2: Some more fun stuff

Woah, what's that?  More content, hell yeah! Here's a few more units and formations for Tyranids to use in Zone Mortalis:

Incubation Node- 30 POINTS
Dedicated Transport

      Lining the walls and floors of the living ship, countless Tyranid organisms lie dormant inside of monstrous living chambers.  These Incubation Nodes act both as nurseries and sentries.  Protecting the creatures growing inside them, and vomiting them forth as the first line of defense when the Hive is threatened.

Unit Type:

Monstrous Creature

Unit Composition:

Weapons and Biomorphs:
·      Scything Talons
·      Acid Blood
·      Toxic Miasma

Special Rules:
·      Immobile
·      Fearless
·      Infiltrate
·      Stealth

·      Living Chamber
·      Incubation

Living Chamber: The Incubation node is considered an Open-Topped Transport with a transport capacity of 10 for the purposes of holding models, as well as determining damage dealt to embarked models from Template weapons.

Incubation: An Incubation Node may be taken as a Dedicated Transport by any Troops choice in Codex: Tyranids.  This unit must begin the game embarked upon the Incubation Node.  If the Node is destroyed while a unit is embarked, the embarked unit is dealt damage exactly as if it were embarked upon a vehicle that was destroyed with an “Explodes!” result on the vehicle damage table.

May choose the following weapons and biomorphs:
·      Thorax Swarm (may take one)
o   Electroshock Grubs 10 pts
o   Shreddershard Beetles 10 pts
o   Desiccator Larvae 10 pts

      Within the bowels of every Hive Ship, the Norn Queen broods.  Her bloated, rugose frame undulating with the pangs of endless births, her mind the epicenter of the inconceivable vastness of the Hive Mind, the living intelligence created from the fragmented sparks of her endless children. 

Unit Type:
Monstrous Creature (Character)

Unit Composition:
1 (Unique)

Weapons and Biomorphs:
·      Scything Talons
·      Acid Blood
·      Toxic Miasma
·      Stranglethorn Cannon

Special Rules:
·      Synapse
·      Shadow in the Warp
·      Immobile
·      Enhanced Breeding
·      Warp Field
·      Fearless
·      Infiltrate
·      Psyker (Mastery Level 3)
·      Synaptic Death Throes

Enhanced Breeding: The Norn Queen may spawn Termagants exactly as if it were a Tervigon.  However, before rolling to spawn, the Tyranid player may choose to instead attempt to spawn:
·      3D6 Hormagaunts
·      1D6 Ripper swarms
·      1 D6 Genestealers
·      2 D6 Gargoyles
·      A single Tyranid Warrior with a Devourer and Scything talons

For each 1D6 spawn, a result of “1” is treated exactly as a roll of doubles for spawning Termagants or Gargoyles.  (It may not spawn any more units of the chosen type)

Spawning a Tyranid Warrior is one use only.

Immobile: This unit may never move or be placed in any location other than it’s starting position after deployment.

Synaptic Death Throes: If the Norn Queen is destroyed, all friendly Tyranid units (spawned or otherwise) within 12” must take a leadership test.  If failed, they must test for instinctive behavior, even if within synapse.  Note: Synapse creatures themselves do not need to take this test.

Warp Field: This unit has a 3+ Invulnerable Save.

May choose the following weapons and biomorphs:
·      Thorax Swarm (may take one)
o   Electroshock Grubs 10 pts
o   Shreddershard Beetles 10 pts
o   Desiccator Larvae 10 pts

Defenders of the Hive

      Certain Tyranid organisms are designed entirely for defensive purposes.  Like living walls they black corridors with their own bodies, daring any enemy to try and break them.  Some are evolved to deal death from afar through the use of various symbiotic organisms, spitting forth a hail of razor-sharp spines on foes as they stumble through the perilous innards of the Hive Ship.

A Defenders of the Hive Formation consists of the following units:
·      1-3 Hive Guard Broods
·      1-3 Tyrant Guard Broods


Living Shields: Models in this formation in base-to-base contact with another model in the same formation each receives +1 to their Feel No Pain (If they don't have FNP, they receive a 6+).  Any model is base-to-base contact with 2 or more models in the formation receives +2 to their Feel No Pain (up to a 4+).   

Immune System

      Hive Ships employ many methods of self-defense, some simpler than others.  The creation and use of Spore Mines as a deterrent is likely a primitive adaptation to enemies attempting to steal resources from hive structures.  During boarding actions, these simple organisms are released in the paths of enemies, seeking them out like white blood cells, and killing them with explosive force.

An Immune System Formation consists of the following units:
·      3+ Spore Mine Broods
·      1-3 Mucolid Spores


They’re Coming out of the Walls!: Models in this formation may enter the battlefield via deep strike, even in Zone Mortalis missions, but may only attempt to deep strike into a living ship section of the board.  Additionally, they only scatter 1D6.   

Slime Trap: For each Mucolid spore that detonates, place a small blast marker under the center of the blast.  This area becomes difficult terrain.  If it was already difficult, it becomes dangerous instead.

The Swarm Awakened

         When invaders breach a hive ship, the Swarm responds in kind.  Countless Termagants are spat forth as a mindless, unending wave of bodies, slowing down the enemy and killing any foolish enough to engage in such an innumerable foe.  Specialized Nodes continuously pull defenders to the endangered areas, sucking them from stasis chambers through powerful muscle contractions, and placing them exactly where the Hive Ship needs them most.

An Immune System Formation consists of the following units:
·      3+ Termagant Broods
·      1 Tyranid Warrior Brood

All Termagant Broods must take an Incubation Node as a dedicated transport.

Endless: When a Termagant Brood is destroyed, if its Incubation Node is still alive, roll a D6.  One a 4+, the unit is placed back into the Incubation Node, with the same starting number of models and upgrades.

Swarm Intelligence: If the destroyed unit’s Incubation Node is within Synapse range of a Tyranid Warrior within this formation, that unit returns on a 3+ instead of a 4+.

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